Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 14 ~ 2 weeks!!!

I made it two weeks! I dared the scale this morning and I've lost a total of 6 pounds. I'm thrilled! What great motivation to continue the next two weeks. Another motivating factor is that I've talked my boyfriend into doing the last 7 days with me. I'm curious to see if he'll make it. I've been teasing him and reminding him of how many more days left he has to eat solid foods. I will honestly be excited to be doing it together as a team. The last day will be even more exciting!

It's amazing how great I felt all day today. Even though I went to bed a little later than usual I still felt extremely energetic. No coffee or tea needed! I am now almost to Stage 4 (Day 16 to 30) of my juice cleanse where my body will completely adapt to the cleanse. I should experience heightened clarity and emotional balance. As well as, memory and concentration improvement. I have noticed some of this improvement already.

I'll end with this great quote. Have I convinced you to take on a juice cleanse challenge?

"Many people put more time into the maintenance of their cars than into their own body! Buy yourself organic vegetables and eat them. Invest in yourself. ... You can ask yourself , “What have I consumed today that will build high integrity blood, bone, brain and body tissue? What have I done today that will add another day to my life?”

-Annie Padden and David Jubb

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 13

Boy was this weekend challenging! I had such a desire to eat solid foods!!! This past weekend really made me realize how much socializing revolves around eating and drinking. My boyfriend and I have had really limited options for what to do on our weekend evenings. Before my cleanse it was something like, have friends over for dinner, dinner and a movie, go grab drinks with friends, or try out a new restaurant. Now during my cleanse, it's either stay in, hang at a friends house, or go out and see a movie. Don't get me wrong I usually love to just stay in and watch Netflix, but I miss just being able to go out to dinner! I miss just being able to sit at our dinning room table with a hot meal in front of me. With the rain today, I was freezing after drinking my juice. I craved a hot bowl of soup with some Artisan bread. I've begun to think why the heck did I commit myself to 30 days?! I should have just done 14 days!

This weekend we were invited to a friend's party (the last party I'll be attending while on my cleanse!) and I was so disciplined throughout the party. I drank some Perrier out of a wine class and talked to everyone about my cleanse. It was so hard not to be able to have a glass of wine (didn't care about the hamburgers that were being served as the main entree). Each pour that someone did through the aerator made me want to just lick the wine drops left over! After leaving the party, we drove past Del Taco. I imagined hot french fries with extra salt! It was so bad!

I've decided to keep me motivated I've got to reward myself at the end of this cleanse. Of course, I'm still going to bake a cake (I found the perfect vegan chocolate cake mix at the farmer's market), but I want to getaway! My boyfriend came up with the idea of going to Santa Monica for a night. We could eat at one of our favorite vegan restaurants in L.A., Real Food Daily (I totally got an email from them today with their March specials and had to delete it immediately after reading one dessert description), and he would take me shopping. SHOPPING! What could motivate me more than some retail therapy?!!!

Leaving yoga this evening, I left with a clear mind and sweat out some of my negative energy from today. I remembered why I did this cleanse in the first place. Juicing delivers an amazing range of health benefits! I know that all of this will create a healthier and happier me. I still have some negative thoughts with tomorrow being 14 days...2 weeks. I think wow...I have another 2 weeks of THIS left to go. I also think I've made it 14 days. I'm feeling really energetic (no caffeine needed!), lost weight, my skin has improved, and I am proud of myself!

Well off to play fetch with my cat and juice at the same time!  Here's some photos of Scarlette waiting patiently for me to play with her. :)          
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 9

How Do I Get Protein While On a 30-Day Juice Cleanse?*

1 bunch of broccoli = 17 grams of protein

This is definitely a common question that most vegetarians/vegans and even those juicing get asked. Protein is something our bodies require to thrive; however, most of us have been trained to believe that the only sources of sufficient protein available to us are to be found in animal products (i.e. meat, fish, and/or eggs). I sure believed that at one time. This is simply not true; it’s a myth.

Raw, plant-based protein absolutely exists and supplies countless people with more than enough protein to nourish their bodies.

When someone is juice fasting they are not starving their body of any nutrients. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Their body is being bombarded with more nutrition that it’s probably ever received—even if they're already a vegan or vegetarian (like me!). You cannot eat even half of the raw veggies and fruits that are be consuming on a juice cleanse.

Is there such thing as being protein deficient?

Protein deficiency is non existent in North America. You never hear of anyone being diagnosed with protein deficiency. The average American typically eats too much protein on a daily basis. It is rare to find an entire culture based on this incredibly high amount of protein in the diet. The human body is not designed to digest and assimilate this much protein (lions for example, have very short intestines and are designed to digest animal proteins); therefore, it is left undigested in the body and often stored away in the form of tumors - both benign and cancerous. The excess protein also acidifies the body, making it more likely to attract illness, and increasing pain in the body.

Acid in the human body = a more cancerous environment.

And finally, excess protein must be eliminated through the kidneys, and research shows that excess protein consumption can actually damage the kidneys - and sometimes permanently. We all need to rethink our beliefs about protein, most of which have to come to us through the meat and dairy industry propaganda sales tools.

Fruit and vegetable juices have water soluble highly absorbable proteins.

The body has a store of protein, and it uses it selectively. Dieing cells are the first to be used and healthy and vital tissues are the very last and will only be used as a last resort.

Only during starvation is protein being stripped form healthy tissue to be used to survive. This may take between 30 to 80 days of water fasting on water to reach this point.

Plant-Based Protein does exist!

Here is a list of raw sources of protein from rawpeople.com:

• Asparagus
• Beet Greens
• Broccoli
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Collard Greens
• Kale
• Mustard Greens
• Spinach
• Swiss Chard
• Sprouts
• Tomatoes
• Turnip Greens

Don’t underestimate the power of raw, living food!

“Just as a horse will manufacture all the protein it needs for its strong
musculature from greens, so too will a human.”—Natalia Rose

*This post was dedicated to my cousin Deb who was concerned that I might not be getting enough protein.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 7

Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter the flame.
B.K.S. Iyengar

I made it to one week! I am so proud of myself!!! I have a total weight lose of 2.5 pounds. If I am able to continue this average amount per week I will have a total weight lose of 10 pounds upon completion. I'm feeling really great too. My energy level and performance on my yoga mat is great! I'm astonished that I have not felt any soreness throughtout my consecutive days of doing yoga. It seems that each day my practice on my yoga mat just gets better. I'm hoping to come close to or be able to do some advanced poses by the end of this challenge. My practice is becoming stronger and my flame is becoming brighter.

If you have never seen the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead watch it now! If you have Netflix it's on there. Check out the trailor here. Maybe not just my blog, but this movie will inspire you to juice too!

Breakfast this morning. It was so yummy! 
Me leaving Whole Foods yesterday. I can't wait until the Whole Foods opens up near my apartment!
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 5 ~ How I Spent My Sunday Morning

I had a great morning! Started off with a breakfast juice, which was pineapple, blueberries, and strawberries. It was delicious! Although, I wasn't happy with how the blueberries juiced and probably won't be juicing them again.

My boyfriend came home from camping and we headed out to stock up. Our first stop was the Laguna Niguel Farmer's Market just near our apartment. We just found out about this little farmer's market a couple of weeks ago and fell in love. There is a variety of California grown organic and non-organic produce, as well as other vendors selling food items. Our favorite vendor is Beyond Bok Choy. They have a variety of asian vegetables. Everytime we've stopped by I've learned about a new kind of vegetable! This time we picked up some daikon root, beets, and bok choy (of course!). We stopped by a new vendor that has gluten free/vegan pie crusts and baking mixes. After my 30 days I will definitely be picking up some of there gluten free/vegan chocolate cake mix! I just had a fantastic idea! I will bake a cake to celebrate my 30 days of juicing and yoga!

Our next stop was Health Works and Juice Bistro, which is in the same parking lot as the farmer's market. I will definitely be grabbing a juice from there every Sunday after we hit up the farmer's market. The shop specializes in all-natural foods, drinks and supplemental remedies. I was pretty excited to be having my first "lunch" out. I ordered the "V-9" (Tomato, Celery, Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, Black Pepper, and Cool Cayenne). It tasted like a bloody mary! It was very satisfying. On our way out we said good-bye to the owner Harsarangid Dhinsa aka "The Colonel."

Our last stop was Costco. The best place for bulk produce and the base for my juices. They have great prices for organic carrots and apples. We also picked up some grapefruit, pears, honeydew, lettuce, and some coconut water. The best thing I picked up from our trip to Costco was this sweet yoga bag with mat. It is definitely going to hold a lot more than my current bag and a scored another yoga mat.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 4

30 Days of Juicing/Yoga

So the last 3 days I have been so exhausted that I haven't even had any energy to sit down and update my blog. It's been work, yoga, and then straight to bed. My 2nd day was a fog. I still had a slight headache and yearned for the sensation of chewing food. As well as, just getting the mental satisfaction from eating. Every scent of food made my mouth water. My 3rd day got significantly better. I no longer had any headaches. I felt more energetic towards the middle and end of the day. Although, I pushed myself a little bit too much in yoga and almost passed out in the shower afterwards. That was no good! Since the first day, I've upped my water intake, have been drinking coconut water to re-hydrate, and have been taking a multi-vitamin. As each day goes by it's getting a lot easier.

I've been so lucky to have my boyfriends support. He's been helping me juice and helping me stay stocked on produce. He has even ate out for dinner and cooked dinner at home around the times when I'm at yoga. That way the house won't smell like food or I won't have to see him eat. He is so sweet!

Last night I went out to a wine and cheese party at my best friends Mom's house. I had already promised that I'd attend before I started my juice cleanse. I wondered on my way there if I would be hard being around everyone eating and drinking wine. To my surprise it was quite easy. I drank my juice in the car on the way there and just drank some water while there. I kept my eyes and body away from the snack table too!

I came across an online article on Day 2 called, "The Different Juice Fasting Stages of Detoxification," from juicefasting.org. It really helped me understand what symptoms to expect and the bodies complex process of detoxification throughout a 30 day juice cleanse. Check it out...beware some of it is kinda nasty.

Fasting Detoxification Stages

Here is an overview of the detoxification stages during a juice fast. The time periods are a general estimation.
Stage 1 (Day 1 To Day 2)
On the first day of fasting, the blood sugar level drops below 70 mg/dl. To restore the blood to the normal glucose level, liver glycogen is converted to glucose and released into the blood. This reserve is enough for half a day. The body then reduces the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The rate of internal chemical activity in resting tissue is lowered to conserve energy. The heart slows and blood pressure is reduced. Glycogen is pulled from the muscle causing some weakness. The first wave of cleansing is usually the worst.
Headaches, dizziness, nausea, bad breath, glazed eyes and a heavily coated tongue are signs of the first stage of cleansing. Hunger can be the most intense in this period unless the enema is used which quickly assists the body into the fasting state by ending digestion in the colon.
Stage 2 (Day 3 To Day 7)
Fats, composed of transformed fatty acids, are broken down to release glycerol from the gliceride molecules and are converted to glucose. The skin may become oily as rancid oils are purged from the body. People with problem-free skin may have a few days of pimples or even a boil. A pallid complexion is also a sign of waste in the blood. Ketones are formed by the incomplete oxidation of fats. It is suspected that the ketones in the blood suppress the appetite by affecting the food-satiety center in the hypothalamus. You may feel hungry for the first few days of the fast. This effect is temporary. The desire to eat will disappear. Lack of hunger may last 40 to 60 days, depending on whether you are on water or juice.
The body embraces the fast and the digestive system is able to take a much-needed rest, focusing all of its energies on cleansing and healing. White blood cell and immune system activity increases. You may feel pain in your lungs. The cleansing organs and the lungs are in the process of being repaired. Periodically, the lymphatic system expels mucoid matter through the nose or throat. The volume excreted of this yellow-colored mucus can be shocking. The sinuses go through periods of being clogged, then will totally clear. The breath is still foul and the tongue coated. Within the intestine, the colon is being repaired and impacted feces on the intestinal wall start to loosen.
Stage 3 (Day 8 to Day 15)
On the latter part of an extended fast, you can experience enhanced energy, clear-mindedness and feel better than you have felt since childhood. On the downside, old injuries may become irritated and painful. This is a result of the body’s increased ability to heal during fasting. If you had broken your arm 10 years before, there is scar tissue around the break. At the time of the break, the body’s ability to heal was directly related to lifestyle. If you lived on a junk-food diet, the body’s natural healing ability was compromised.
During fasting, the body’s healing process is at optimum efficiency. As the body scours for dead or damaged tissue, the lymphocytes enter the older, damaged tissue secreting substances to dissolve the damaged cells. These substances irritate the nerves in the surrounding region and cause a reoccurrence of aches from previously injured areas that may have disappeared years earlier. The pain is good as the body is completing the healing process. The muscles may become tight and sore due to toxin irritation. The legs can be the worst affected, as toxins accumulate in the legs. Cankers are common in this stage due to the excessive bacteria in the mouth. Daily gargling with salt and water will prevent or heal cankers.
Stage 4 (Day 16 to Day 30)
The body is completely adapted to the fasting process. There is more energy and clarity of mind. Cleansing periods can be short with many days of feeling good in between. There are days when the tongue is pink and the breath is fresh. The healing work of the organs is being completed. After the detoxification mechanisms have removed the causative agent or render it harmless, the body works at maximum capacity in tissue proliferation to replace damaged tissue. While a short fast will reduce the symptoms, a longer fast can completely heal. Homeostatic balance is at optimum levels. The lymphatic system is clean except for a rare discharge of mucus through the nose or throat. After day 20, the mind is affected. Heightened clarity and emotional balance are felt at this time. Memory and concentration improve.
Stage 5 (Breaking the Fast)
The sticky, toxic, mucoid coating on the intestinal wall is loose, and the first meal frees it from the intestinal wall. Toxins enter the blood through the colon. The gallbladder dumps its waste in a heavy discharge of bile. This can cause an instant bowel movement upon eating followed by intense diarrhea. If the symptoms are too uncomfortable, an enema will help.
This article was written by, Mr. Tom McGregor, author of Eating in Freedom.
Well I'm off to take a much needed nap. I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to. I am excited to catch up on my sleep and come up with some more juice combinations. Hope you all have a nice weekend!

My countdown on my chalkboard in my kitchen :) 

My sweet new rasta bottle I picked up today. 

My lunch while writing this post - Grapefruit, orange, carrot, and cucumber 
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 days of Juicing/Yoga

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post ever as a blogger. I am so excited to be joining the blogging world. I have so many exciting 30 day challenges that I want to conquer and share with everyone. The idea to start this blog started with....JUICING!

My first challenge to conquer is 30 days of consecutive juicing and yoga.

Why Juice???
1. I want to see if I can do it.
2. I want to see how I will feel and how it will transform my body.
3. I got the idea from the the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. The movie is about a man that vows to juice for 60 days.

Why Yoga???
1. I am a member of CorePower Yoga which has hot yoga and vinyasa power yoga classes.
2. It's a great way to sweat out toxins and detox my body.
3. It keeps my mind clear and helps alleviate my stress.

Why others think a juice cleanse and hot yoga is beneficial...
From myjuicecleanse.com

Five Benefits of a Juice Fasting Cleanse

1. increased energy
2. better skin tone
3. reduced cravings for junk food
4. improvement in chronic conditions
5. clearer mental focus

From hotyogabenefits.com
Five Benefits of Hot Yoga

1. Weight Loss
2. Muscle and Joint Pain
3. Improves Mobility and Tension Relief
4. Strengthens the Immune System
5. Increased Performance in Other Physical Activities

So how am I feeling today after my first day?
PROUD...that I got through the first day and am still motivated to continue.

-I had a lingering headache all day.
-Around 3 PM, I thought I was going to fall asleep at the wheel, while driving to my second job.
-I was craving caffeine.
-I just wanted to go home and go to bed!

I can't wait to get through the first couple days and move past the detox side effects. For now I am going to bed early and will be dreaming about Italian food!

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