How Do I Get Protein While On a 30-Day Juice Cleanse?*
1 bunch of broccoli = 17 grams of protein
This is definitely a common question that most vegetarians/vegans and even those juicing get asked. Protein is something our bodies require to thrive; however, most of us have been trained to believe that the only sources of sufficient protein available to us are to be found in animal products (i.e. meat, fish, and/or eggs). I sure believed that at one time. This is simply not true; it’s a
Raw, plant-based protein absolutely exists and supplies countless people with more than enough protein to nourish their bodies.
When someone is juice fasting they are not starving their body of any nutrients. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Their body is being bombarded with more nutrition that it’s probably ever received—even if they're already a vegan or vegetarian (like me!). You cannot eat even half of the raw veggies and fruits that are be consuming on a juice cleanse.
Is there such thing as being protein deficient?
Protein deficiency is non existent in North America. You never hear of anyone being diagnosed with protein deficiency. The average American typically eats too much protein on a daily basis. It is rare to find an entire culture based on this incredibly high amount of protein in the diet. The human body is not designed to digest and assimilate this much protein (lions for example, have very short intestines and are designed to digest animal proteins); therefore, it is left undigested in the body and often stored away in the form of tumors - both benign and cancerous. The excess protein also acidifies the body, making it more likely to attract illness, and increasing pain in the body.
Acid in the human body = a more cancerous environment.
And finally, excess protein must be eliminated through the kidneys, and research shows that excess protein consumption can actually damage the kidneys - and sometimes permanently. We all need to rethink our beliefs about protein, most of which have to come to us through the meat and dairy industry propaganda sales tools.
Fruit and vegetable juices have water soluble highly absorbable proteins.
The body has a store of protein, and it uses it selectively. Dieing cells are the first to be used and healthy and vital tissues are the very last and will only be used as a last resort.
Only during starvation is protein being stripped form healthy tissue to be used to survive. This may take between 30 to 80 days of water fasting on water to reach this point.
Plant-Based Protein does exist!
Here is a list of raw sources of protein from
• Asparagus
• Beet Greens
• Broccoli
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Collard Greens
• Kale
• Mustard Greens
• Spinach
• Swiss Chard
• Sprouts
• Tomatoes
• Turnip Greens
Don’t underestimate the power of raw, living food!
“Just as a horse will manufacture all the protein it needs for its strong
musculature from greens, so too will a human.”—Natalia Rose
*This post was dedicated to my cousin Deb who was concerned that I might not be getting enough protein.
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Very interesting!!