Wednesday, February 15, 2012

30 days of Juicing/Yoga

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post ever as a blogger. I am so excited to be joining the blogging world. I have so many exciting 30 day challenges that I want to conquer and share with everyone. The idea to start this blog started with....JUICING!

My first challenge to conquer is 30 days of consecutive juicing and yoga.

Why Juice???
1. I want to see if I can do it.
2. I want to see how I will feel and how it will transform my body.
3. I got the idea from the the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. The movie is about a man that vows to juice for 60 days.

Why Yoga???
1. I am a member of CorePower Yoga which has hot yoga and vinyasa power yoga classes.
2. It's a great way to sweat out toxins and detox my body.
3. It keeps my mind clear and helps alleviate my stress.

Why others think a juice cleanse and hot yoga is beneficial...

Five Benefits of a Juice Fasting Cleanse

1. increased energy
2. better skin tone
3. reduced cravings for junk food
4. improvement in chronic conditions
5. clearer mental focus

Five Benefits of Hot Yoga

1. Weight Loss
2. Muscle and Joint Pain
3. Improves Mobility and Tension Relief
4. Strengthens the Immune System
5. Increased Performance in Other Physical Activities

So how am I feeling today after my first day?
PROUD...that I got through the first day and am still motivated to continue.

-I had a lingering headache all day.
-Around 3 PM, I thought I was going to fall asleep at the wheel, while driving to my second job.
-I was craving caffeine.
-I just wanted to go home and go to bed!

I can't wait to get through the first couple days and move past the detox side effects. For now I am going to bed early and will be dreaming about Italian food!

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